Thursday, January 13, 2011

Appreciative Inquiry Board Retreat

 Today I had lunch with the staff of Friends of the Orphans Midwest Region to plan our upcoming AI session for their Board retreat on 1/22.  This will be the first AI session I will facilitate that is not one of our own companies or staff teams.  I have offered to facilitate this for them because this is an organization that is doing such good in the world plus I want more practice as an AI facilitator.  I am a former board member, financial contributor and want to stay very close to this organization even though I am unable to be an official board member at this time.  Friends of the Orphans has a beautiful positive core that I can't wait to expose and call out through AI.  Selfishly, I am part of this organization because it is full of people who pour out their lives in service to it's mission, it's orphaned and abandoned children and to Christ.  I want to be more like many of the people I've met through this organization and they are inspiring. They make me want to be a better person.

I asked them how things were going in their region and then asked about the state of their board, what they wanted more of from their board and hopes and goals for this upcoming retreat.   We went through each stage of the AI process and they were very excited and hopeful for what could be achieved.  I can't wait for this opportunity and hope it leads to more!

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